Department of Education
Region X
Malaybalay City
Project Title: Development and Reproduction of Cebuano-English Expression Book
Project Site: Sumpong Elementary School/Division of Bukidnon
Project Beneficiaries: Teachers and School Children of Bukidnon
Project Implementor: Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D., CESO IV
Schools Division Superintendent
Project Duration: 5 months
Proponent Organization: Department of Education
Division of Bukidnon
Malaybalay City
Contact Person: Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D., CESO IV
Schools Division Superintendent
Project Cost: Php. 200,000.00
Agency : DepED – Division of Bukidnon
Project Title : Development and Reproduction of Expression Book
1. To develop a support material that would supplement the implementation of Modeling Language through Science in Schools (MOLASIS) whic is aimed at improving the English communication skills of school children .
2. To provide a language tool for pupils and teachers in using English language in ordinary conversations or class interactions.
Beneficiaries: Teachers and School Children of Bukidnon
Implementing Partner(s) DepED Division of Bukidnon
Project Duration: Two School Year (2008-2009, 2009-2010)
Project Cost : Php. 200,000.00
Summary Gap Identified:
Performance of pupils in Science are low. Results of the National Achievement Test indicate that the average percentage scores of the elementary school pupils in Science is only 44.32% a 20% shy from the expected proficiency level of 75%. Accordingly the low performance of pupils is attributed to congested classrooms, lack of teachers, incompetence of teachers, and insufficient in-service trainings.
The Division tried interventions to improve the teaching-learning process by way of programs and projects to improve performance of pupils. In-service trainings have been conducted to teachers through projects like the Project in Basic Education (PROBE). The project supported by AUSAID provided the Division with support in terms of teacher training, instructional materials and equipments. In addition, the Division Subject Specialists initiated in-service trainings to the teachers. In spite of the efforts done, the average mean of pupils in the national test did not improve. It is still below the expected 75% proficiency level.
So what is wrong ? Is it the teachers? Is it the curriculum? Is it the learning environment? Is it the language?
The late Education Secretary Raul S. Rocco, did not allow the TIMSS to be administered in the Philippines because he believed the Filipinos are at a disadvantaged. The reason - we are the only NON ENGLISH SPEAKING country where the test was conducted in English. Other Asian countries were tested in their own language. It was suggested that the test in Science and Math will also be translated in the Filipino language, however many argued that it is of no effect because Science is not taught in the Filipino language.
Language barrier then can be considered as one of the causes of the poor performance of pupils in Science test. It is believed that pupils have low comprehension in the English language resulting to poor performance . This is substantiated by the fact that tests in Science and Math are actually language tests. Pupils may know the content but are poor in reading resulting to poor test scores.
It has been observed that most pupils would finish a 20 item tests in less than ten minutes. Although there are some who would try to finish it in the allotted time, these are the pupils who are in the top of the class, but their numbers are few. This attitude of pupils indicate that they are not reading the questions because they do not understand what they read. Furthermore pupils are not good in analyzing because they do not comprehend what they read. The bottom line is - in a 40 item test only 4 pupils of an average class would get around 35-38 correct answers. Two-third of the class would get a score of 20 and below. ( Elementary Science Assessment Report, Cepe, 2001-2002)
Furthermore, the reasoning ability of the pupils are not developed. This is because they were not given the opportunity to think and ask questions. They were not given the chance to design and create their own investigations of a phenomena or situations in the bio-physical world, hence they are not problem solvers and are not critical thinkers.( Elementary Science Assessment Report, Cepe, 2001-2002)
The situations discussed above are the basis for conducting an intervention program that incorporates two underlying factors that may have caused the low performance of pupils in Science tests: 1) Teaching -learning Process 2) Language development in teaching Science.
Summary of Needs:
The Language Development in Teaching Science proposes several interventions. One of the interventions recommendeded is the provision of a Cebuano-English Expression Book. The Expression Book is a handy dictionary type book where pupils and teachers can refer to in speaking English language in school. It contains a list of common conversations and expressions in the dialect translated into the English language. The book can be used in classroom interactions , in school playground, school canteen or anywhere where school children used to converse or interact. Majority of the schools implemented the Speak English policy but they (schools) did not provide tools to aid or assist children in speaking the language properly and accurately. Sometimes the teachers and principals themselves violate this policy because they themselves find it difficult to use English in their ordinary conversations. It is therefore difficult to follow through the policy and is often neglected over time.
Activities Proposed:
The development of the expression book has several stages :
1. Building a database of common expressions of pupils and teachers in their own dialect used in various places inside the school such as classroom, canteen, playground, conference room, etc. through a recorder.
2. Transcribing the common expressions.
3. Translating the common expressions into English by native English speakers.
4. Producing a prototype.
5. Trying out the use of the prototype expression book.
6. Evaluating usability of the expression book.
6. Reproducing the expression books
7. Training of teachers on the use of the expression book.
8. Distributing copies of the expression book to the teachers and pupils.
Time Frame and Matrix of Activities
Time Frame: June 2008- December 2008
Activities Time Frame
1. Approval of Project Proposal
April –May 2008
2.Transfer of Budget from Provincial Government to DepED Bukidnon
May 2008
3. Orientation of Teachers in the center school
June 2008
4. Organizing teams where conversations are to be recorded
June 2008
5. Recording of conversations
July –August 2008
6. Transcribing recorded conversations
September –October 2008
7. Translating transcribed conversations
October-November 2008
8. Reproducing prototype expression book
December 2008
Itemized Suggested Costs: (For funding )
1. Tape Recorders
3 mini recorders x 2,000.00 = 6,000.00
15 mini tapes x 50.00 = 750.00
2. Transcribing Fee
254.00/day x 14 days = 3,556.00
3. Translation Fee = 8,000.00
4. Reproduction of Prototype 100 bks. x 30.00 = 3,000.00
5. Training of teachers = 27,900
6. Reproduction of Final Expression Book (5,026 copies)= 150,794.00
TOTAL = Php. 200,000.00
Provincial School Board Fund under the Wholistic Approach Fund sponsored by Emerenciana Ching.
Prepared by:
ES I – Science
Schools Division Superintendent
Provincial Governor
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