PROJECT NAME/REFERENCE: Institutions and Community Based Student
Tracking (ICB-ST)
Why do you want to do this project?
This project is aimed at raising the transition rate of the Division of Bukidnon. Data from the planning office disclose that the transition rate of the Division is low. The graph below shows a decreasing participation rate in the secondary level. While the participation rate in the elementary is sustained at around 70-75% level, the participation rate in the secondary level decreased by 7.8% over a two year period. This condition reduces the ability of the Division to achieve one of the Medium Term Development goals on universal education in basic education.
By setting up a system and a network of people from concerned institutions and community people, a web will be created that will track school age children. The project will also provide avenues for interventions so that the school age children that will be tracked will be provided with an opportunity to finish basic education. The basic education mentioned is aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will allow them to be gainfully employed after graduation. This empowerment will open –up opportunities for them to continue higher education as self employed students or venture into entrepreneurships which will uplift their standard of living.
This project will be undertaken so that children who are forced to be pulled away from the formal basic education either because of economic constraints or lose interest in the schools because of access problems will be rescued and brought back to the school system in any modes as necessary.
What will you have at the end that you don’t have now?
At the end of the project, a functional data base of all elementary Grade VI children in the pilot district will be established. It will also create a network of people that will be involved in tracking school age children who will not enroll in the secondary education. These include the District Supervisors, School Heads, Parents, Local Officials in the municipality and in the barangay, and DSWD Officials. The project will also provide a system of tracking elementary graduates identifying among others where they go after graduation and whether or not they are in school.
This system and processes are unknown in the division hence this is an innovation that will try to solve losing school age children from the elementary to secondary.
Will you (should you) deliver anything else?
In its pilot stage the project will only involved one district. After its completion and evaluation this will be adopted throughout the Division. In its expansion stage it will not only involve data basing of the Grade six children but all the children from Grades One to Six. The expansion will try to solve drop-out and improve cohort survival.
Is anything explicitly excluded from the project?
The performance on achievement (NAT) is excluded in the project. The systems and program that will be designed and executed will not necessarily result to improved performance in the NAT.
Are there any gaps or overlaps with the projects?
Because of its uniqueness, it is believed that the project will not overlap with other projects. First, there is no known data base of all school age children even in the school only. Second, there is no known system of tracking children from the elementary to secondary. Third, there is no known intervention program that will provide opportunities for children who did not enroll in high school. Fourth and most importantly, there is no known agreement , cooperation, collaboration of the mentioned institutions and community that will track children who dropped from the formal school.
What assumptions (if any) are you making?
This project is founded on the following assumptions:
1. If a well designed system of tracking school age children is set up using available technology then schools will not lose the children in the formal school system.
2. If a network of institutions and community people will agree on one goal - that of providing universal basic education to all school age children by owning a system and processes , then no children will be left behind.
3. If the formal school system will be restructured such that it will include various alternative delivery modes to cater to the special needs of the children in the community, then no children will be left out.
4. If the curriculum will be designed such that it will employ community based teaching-learning and informal school set up (apprenticeships) will be adopted then children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence will be interested to complete basic education.
Are there any significant problems you are aware of that you must overcome?
This project will have to clear several issues before it can be executed:
1. Commitment of the executives of the institutions involved in the project. The project has to be advocated to them. They should understand its overlying principles and they should believed in the attainment of the MDG goals.
2. Executives in the school system have to follow the systems and processes so the tracking can be successful.
3. Education executives have to be open to alternative modes to be employed as intervention.
4. School executives’ passion to strengthen Tech-Voc education as a tool in providing knowledge, skills and attitudes for employment opportunities.
Date Prepared: Prepared By: Approved by:
March 9, 2009 Agustines E. Cepe Gloria D. Benigno, Ph.D. CESO V